
Here at beaconsfield health hub we cater to a range of Pilates levels and options. We have a studio full of your favourite pieces of equipment including the popular reformer and we are so excited for you to get to use them. Pilates is such a versatile form of exercise, be you training for a marathon, recovering from surgery or just looking to try something new and become more functional in day to day life. Known as a low impact form of exercise, it really is safe for all at any stage of life.

pilates can be challenging shot of a young woman 2022 10 06 02 02 28 utc


Pre post natal

Injury rehab

Spinal mobility

Postural alignment

Core control

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The principles of Pilates

Pilates is known to have 6 founding principles

Yes this means it trains your core but it can be so much more than that, we aim to give you better understanding and confidence in your body and embrace those endorphins to help your mind too. The founding father claims “ In 10 sessions you feel the differences, in 20 sessions you’ll see the difference and in 30 sessions you’ll have a new body!” Why don’t you come and see if this is true, we promise you’ll be hooked.