The Mummy MOT


A Comprehensive Postnatal Check Up (No Matter How Long Ago You Gave Birth)

The Mummy MOT, a specialised postnatal checkup following both vaginal and caesarean deliveries, is something we are delighted to offer.

This evaluates how well your pelvic floor, posture, and stomach muscles are healing after giving birth. Offering a customised treatment and rehabilitation strategy to aid in recovery while keeping in mind your objectives and lifestyle considerations. Amy has trained with some of the top physiotherapists for women’s health in the UK is completely qualified and licensed to offer The Mummy MOT.

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What To Expect

Case History



Tailored Treatment

Lifestyle Advice

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Movement For Mums

Mum life is active, and movements like bending, squatting, lifting and carrying are all part of daily life. Amy can provide postnatal care and rehabilitative functional exercise to help recovery.

After pregnancy, up to half of all women report weakening in both the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, and up to a third still have a stomach gap eight weeks later.

This may result in instability or weak core stability, which can lead to back or pelvic pain as well as bladder, bowel, and sexual problems. You shouldn’t have to simply put up with these conditions because you had a baby.

An initial assessment is recommended after a woman’s postpartum six to eight-week GP check.