Who we are

Case History & Examination

Osteopaths are Primary Healthcare Practitioners. With each new patient, we take a thorough medical history. Some questions may appear to be irrelevant, yet they must be asked in order to cover all systems. We will also talk about daily activities, job, diet, and sleep, to mention a few topics.

Simple movements, pulses and blood pressure, and power and reflexes can all be assessed. On occasion, we may send you back to your primary care physician for additional testing or imaging, such as an MRI or X-Ray.

We will examine your posture and go through active ranges of motion, noting any uncomfortable or pain-free motions. We will also assess joints passively, which means we will move the joints for you.

We will also utilise our sense of touch to detect muscle tone, joint restrictions, as well as to determine which areas may be sensitive. This will help us develop a working diagnosis for your problem. If we believe that osteopathy is not right for you, we may recommend you to your primary care physician or a specialist.
To allow for a thorough examination of the spine or problem area, you may be requested to undress to your pants, so please dress comfortably. You are allowed to wear a t-shirt and or shorts if you want.

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Tailored Treatment, Aftercare & Lifestyle Advice

Listening to the patient’s history, performing thorough examinations of muscles and joints, and examining movement patterns are all part of the osteopathic diagnosis. If necessary, x-rays, scans, and other clinical examinations are used. As part of the treatment, a variety of soft, non-invasive manual techniques such as deep tissue massage, joint articulation, and manipulation are used, with exercises to do in between treatment sessions.

As well as treating acute injuries, such as strains, sprains and joint inflammation, Osteopaths also assist in maintaining and promoting a healthy, well-rounded way of life. It is also critical to handle each patient individually and develop a realistic treatment plan and rehab course that is manageable with an aim to reduce future risks of injury or discomfort.