Golf Specific Treatment and Training

At Beaconsfield Health Hub we are pleased to offer golf specific therapy, rehab and training.

As osteopath’s we have profound knowledge of the bodies musculoskeletal systems, and biomechanics. Combining his sports science degree, osteopathy, personal training and golf specific training course, George is able to treat injuries and train you to get more from your body to enhance your golf game.

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Golf Focus






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Golf Specific training

In these sessions we will start with discussing what elements of the game you are struggling with. Is it just getting around the course from a fitness perspective. Unable to get a full backswing or struggling with a follow through.

There will be some physical assessment focussed around mobility and flexibility.
Once we’ve identified your goals, we can tailor a plan and work towards them.

Focus points:

Available to all ages, no matter your abilities.