Personal Training

‘Intro 2 x 30 mins PT- £60’ - ‘2 x 60 min PT £90'

60 minute Sessions

The traditional PT hour, giving you all the time for warm up, work out, and mobility. Our space has a range of equipment that lets us be creative and keeps your work out varied and exciting.

A steady paced work out for those that need a little more rest, and double time for those that can keep going!

30 Minute Sessions

The 30 minute sessions are a great way to get your activity tick for the day quickly. Good for the busy lifestyle get in before work, or at lunch.

Active all around mobility to start things off, typically followed by a circuit based session, combined with intermittent cardio, to keep your heart rate and intensity up.

Finished off with a stretch of the major muscle groups. The 30 minute session also works for those who are just starting out on their fitness journey or who are unable to manage an hour. We can slow this session down and focus of more specific goals.

Enquiry Form

Please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.